Hack Week project: music-craft part-1. Getting started

15 Sep 2014

what's this?

As a very brief introduction this is Hack Week at MixRadio. We have a whole week to work on whatever interests us. Last year I did something very practical and related to my work. This year I'm going to do the opposite.

My idea is to create a Minecraft like block world using various attributes of music as a seed. For example a relaxing song creates a flat and safe world. A discordant song creates a dangerous, mountainous map.

I'm intending to write this in Clojure, which is our language of choice at MixRadio, as I'm interested in seeing what a game looks like in such a non-traditional language.

what's first?

First off I need to take a look at the various libraries available to me. A quick search reveals.

  1. lwjgl
  2. libgdx
  3. jmonkeyengine

I'm not too worried about whether or not they have Clojure wrappers as Java interop in Clojure is excellent and it might be fun to start mocking out a bit of a library.

After a quick poke around libgdx looks like it should cover most of what I want to do. JMonkeyEngine seems like it's a bit higher level than I want. Lwjgl also looks great but I had to pick one and I don't have all the info to make an informed decision at this stage. LibGDX it is then. It also looks like LibGDX has a rather tasty clojure library called play-clj. It looks really well designed and should hopefully help provide some shape to my code.

the code

lein new play-clj music-craft

That creates us a template and we push to github.

music-craft repo on github

I'll create tags at various points through development. Here is the first tag for the initial project creation.


what's next?

I want to get a single untextured 3D box rendered into the world. Check out the next part for (hopefully) that.

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