Hack Week project: music-craft part-4. World generation

16 Sep 2014

just how do you generate a world anyway?

That's a good question and there are no doubt many different ways to go about it. The wikipedia page on procedural generation is actually quite a good place to start looking, it gives you the right terminology to google anyway. Supposedly Minecraft now uses a system of fractal generation but originally it used perlin noise functions. Whilst the actual details are a bit thin the idea of using a noise function is enough to get going with.

perlin noise functions

Perlin noise was actually a new concept to me. Fortunately I managed to find an excellent write up It's a really clever trick!

Rather than re-implementing it myself I was able to find a Clojure library that generates 2D noise when supplied with two values between 0 and 1. It also allows you to set the seed which could be useful if I ever need to start dealing with chunking.

So this gives us a smooth graduation of "random" values between 0 and 1 over a 2D axis.

We can take these x and y noise values and multiply them by a height to provide us with a smoothly graduating terrain of hills.

Here's my code with some explanatory comments:

(defn noise-for-grid
  "Returns a grid of noise values between min and max for grid x-size and y-size"
  [x-size y-size min max seed]
  ;; set the seed
  (Simplex/seed seed)
  ;; create a 2D array to update the noise values in
  (let [output (make-array Integer/TYPE x-size y-size)]
    ;; go through each x and y in the grid size
    (doseq [x (range 0 x-size)
            y (range 0 y-size)]
      ;; normalise x and y to be between 0 and the maximum grid size
      (let [nor-x (/ x x-size)
            nor-y (/ y y-size)
            ;; generate noise for the position x, y
            noise (Simplex/noise nor-x nor-y)
            ;; scale the noise value by the maximum height
            r-height (Math/round (* noise (- max min)))
            ;; add the minimum height
            min-height (+ min r-height)]
        ;; update the output array with the new noise value
        (aset output x y (Integer. min-height))))

We can then tie this noise grid back into the block generation function:

(defn blocks
  "Create the block entities"
  (let [seed 1337
        min 1
        max 10
        noise (noise-for-grid grid-size grid-size min max seed)]
    (vec (for [x (range grid-size)
               z (range grid-size)
               y (range min (aget noise x z))]
           (block x y z)))))

There isn't too much change here, we just additionally iterate over the y axis within the bounds of the height specified by the noise function.

how does it look?

world image

Pretty cool! That wasn't too hard once I'd had the idea.

what's the git tag?

Clone the repo and run:

git checkout tags/noise-generation

To see the code as it is right now

what's next?

Performing some additional passes over the world, probably with another noise function to generate a surface texture.

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